The Installation ceremony of some Dschang University staff appointed by the Head of State, President Paul Biya, under decrees n° 2014/048 and 2014/049 of 3rd February 2014, took place in the auditorium of the University of Dschang on the 24th of February 2014 at 2.00 pm. In attendance at this solemn occasion were Senior Divisional Officers of the Menoua and Bamboutos Divisions, one Senator of the West Region, the Mayor of Dschang, University officials, traditional rulers, students and family members, amongst others.
After the rendition of the National Anthem, the Presidential and Ministerial texts of the appointments of University officials were presented by the Service Head for Information and Conferences as follows:
- Presidential text
Prof. Donfack Sokeng Leopold, former Dean of the Faculty of Law in the University of Douala, to replace Prof. Pauline Laure Fotso as Vice-Rector in charge of Internal Audit and Evaluation (VR-CIE).
Mr Ebendeng Ondo Valere, former Head of Division of the Restoration of the University of Yaoundé II, replaces Dr. Ella Jean Bosco as the Director in charge of Students’ Welfare (DCOU).
- Ministerial text
Prof. Fodjo Jules, former Head of Department of Accounting and Finance in the University of Ngaoundéré, Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences (FSEG) of the University of Dschang in charge of Research and Cooperation, replacing Mrs. Simonet Marie Antionette, who goes on retirement.
Dr. Mrs. Fobuzie Pricelia Tumenta, Chief of Antenna of the University of Dschang in Maroua and Coordinator of the Center of Environment and Development Studies in Cameroon, replacing Mr. NKODO Fidele.
In his installation speech, the Rector of the University of Dschang, Prof. Anaclet Fomethe, thanked the Head of State and Minister of Higher Education for the appointments, which go a long way to prove the dynamic nature of the institution in attaining academic excellence. He described the out-going Vice Rector, Prof. Pauline Fotso Laurent, as an important actress in the development of the institution and its antennas over the years. Prof. Fomethe added that her new office at the National Assembly was to continue the task of nation-building. He lauded the efforts and achievements of the out-going staff and assured them of his support and prayers as well as that of the University community.
The Rector advised the newly appointed officials to remain steadfast in their duties and continue from where their predecessors ended. He encouraged them to attain greater heights during their tenure and expressed satisfaction as their expertise over the years would be of great advantage to the University. Prof. Fomethe admonished them to work effectively with their collaborators in line with the option of the University for academic and scientific excellence. He assured the newly appointed staff that all necessary human and material resources shall be put at their disposable so as to guide them in building the institution to reputable heights. He urged them to strive in positioning the University at the national and international scene as expected by the Head of State, President Paul BIYA.
During the colorful occasion, bouquets of flowers from spouses of the newly appointed officials were presented to the admiration of the public. Alongside, different cultural troupes performed commend the newly appointed officials. This was followed by a family picture and an exquisite cocktail at the University restaurant to crown the day. The new academic soldiers at the helm of affairs of the University of Dschang have pledged their support to the excellence drive of this prestigious institution./
Precious Nkwain
Pr. Donfack Sokeng Léopold
Pr. Donfack Sokeng Léopold, Vice Recteur chargé du Contrôle Interne et de l’Evaluation « Nous essayerons d’être à la hauteur… »
S’il y a une touche particulière que j’apporterai, ce sera peut être l’enthousiasme de la jeunesse. Je m’inscrirai dans la dynamique tracée par M. le Recteur. Je me ferai fort d’appliquer les orientations qui m’ont été données. Ma qualité de spécialiste de la gouvernance et de l’évaluation pourra peut-être contribuer à dynamiser davantage la poursuite des missions […] d’évaluation et de contrôle qui garantissent l’assurance qualité de toute institution et particulièrement de l’institution universitaire. C’est donc dans le sillage des prescriptions de M. le Recteur, relayant celles de M. le Ministre de l’Enseignement Supérieur qui découlent des orientations du Chef de l’Etat que s’inscrira mon action. Je suis sensible à la responsabilité qui m’a été confiée par le Chef de l’Etat, SE Paul Biya, et je pense qu’il s’agit d’un clin d’œil à la jeunesse. Nous essayerons de nous montrer à la hauteur de la tâche.
M. Ebendeng Ondo Valère, Directeur du Centre des Œuvres Universitaires
« [Je veux] travailler pour être cité en exemple… »
Le sens de ma nomination, tel que je le perçois, c’est l’invite au travail, la collaboration, la recherche de l’excellence, … Il est question de travailler avec tous les collaborateurs qui sont sous notre responsabilité afin que notre passage à la direction du Centre des œuvres universitaires de l’Université de Dschang soit aussi cité en exemple comme celui de mes prédécesseurs. Je me sens à Dschang comme dans toutes les autres universités ; je travaille dans les universités. C’est peut être un changement de milieu, mais c’est toujours la communauté estudiantine que nous sommes appelé à servir […].
Dr Tumenta Pricelia, épse Fobuzie, Chef de l’antenne de l’Université de Dschang à Maroua.
“I promise to put in my best”
I would like to begin by thanking the authorities for the confidence bestowed upon me and I promise to put in my best, with the assistance of the head of this University, the Rector, who has indicated his willingness to support me in the discharge of my duties. I promise to put in my best to bring innovative ideas into the Center for Environment and Development Studies in Cameroon, which is the core value of the antenna of the University of Dschang in Maroua. I pray God to be my helper.