The examination euphoria is still lingering at the University of Dschang ever since the first semester examinations kicked off. This aura is seen in the various faculties' preparation as the examination unfolds. Many students of the University at all levels can be seen individually or in groups studying at all angles of the University Campus. The on-going examination at the University of Dschang has been successful so far. The various Faculties of the University that started at the stipulated date of the 13th of February are almost rounding off. Lecturers and invigilators programmed to handle the examinations are satisfied with the level of preparations by the different faculties but expressed difficulties in areas of insufficient examinations halls. The increase in the numbers of students enrolled into the University for the year 2014/2015 (over 30000) has increased tremendously and has created the need for more examination halls.
This at times causes overcrowding in writing halls and hampers proper invigilation and writing conditions. Other hitches during the examination, is the insufficient number and poor state of benches. The Directorate of Infrastructure, Planning and Development (DIPD) is undertaking repairs of the benches in poor state to effectively ensure the examination move on smoothly. Some examination Invigilators complain of some irregularities with students especially those of level one, who sometimes forget their Identity cards, forget validating their paid receipt at the Faculty level, and coming late to the hall among others.
In the Faculty of Letters and Social Sciences the examinations have been going on smoothly and it's slated to end before the 27th of February, in the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences it is expected to end by the 27th of February 2015. Other Faculties are expected to end by the 27th of February except for the Faculty of Agronomy and Agricultural Sciences that is slated to begin from the 23rdof February to the 6th of March 2015.
So far so good the examination has been unfolding smoothly with no incidents recorded so far. Students around the University campus can be seen making last minute revision before examination; we can only wish them the best.