Séquence d'une rentrée culturelle inédite au Hilton Hôtel de Yaoundé.
A delegation of students accompanied by the Chef DASA and Mr. Mbuih Zukane, took part in the first ever edition of the launching of the cultural season by the Ministry of Arts and Culture at Hotel Hilton Yaoundé on the 22nd January 2016. Upon invitation by the Minister of Higher Education, these students are laureates in the last edition of the University Festival of Arts and Culture that took place from the 24-27 November 2015 in the University of Yaoundé II. Keeping to his promise, the Minister of Arts and Culture offered certificates of excellence in artistic performances to outstanding students, accompanied by cash prizes, which were distributed as follows: Solo performances received 100 000 Fcfa for 1st, 75 000 Fcfa for 2ndpositions and 50 000 Fcfa for 3rd positions. Meanwhile all group performances received 200 000 Fcfa, 150 000 Fcfa and 100 000 Fcfa, for 1st, 2nd and 3rd positions respectively. As for UDs, Tidang Larissa received the 1st prize in storytelling, our theatre troupe, represented by the club president Fomba Hector and Chuh Valery received the 2nd prize in that category and Nkemkem Noah Frank received the 3rd prize in Painting. This prize award ceremony is a stimulus for other student artists and the technical staff in the service of Associations and Cultural Clubs to continue in their strides in making UDs to stand out tall in forthcoming competitions./ MRZ
Les plénipotentiaires de l'Université de Dschang présentent leurs “parchemins”