The remarkable installation ceremony of the incoming Rector of the University of Dschang, Prof Roger Antione Pépin Tsafack Nanfoso by the Minister of Higher Education, Chancellor of Academic Orders, Prof Jacques Fame Ndongo on the 23rd of September 2015, took place at Amphi 600 of the Campus C of the University of Dschang. The occasion which commenced at 2:00 pm was graced by various State and regional dignitaries, with an electrifying ambiance provided by numerous traditional dance groups, among other animated presentations. The presence of a marmot crowd at the event echoed applauds as the Mayor of the Dschang Urban Council, Beaudelaire Donfack in his welcome speech extended gratitude and solidarity to the Head of State for his contribution to education and social life. He seized the opportunity to express the wish of the entire community to the Minister for the Department of biomedical science and Pharmacy to be transformed into the Faculty of medicine, and hoped that in the future, a Higher Teacher's Training College and Reference hospital be created. He thanked the outgoing Rector and assured that, his deeds will forever be engraved in the minds of the community. Welcoming the new Rector, the Prince, an economist par excellence, he guaranteed him of the complete support from the entire community .The reading of the appointment decree by the Head of the Communication Unit from the Ministry of Higher Education ushered in the presentation of the installation of the new Rector at the helm of affairs.
“Prince of knowledge and competence”