
Advans Cameroun is seaching a Projecf Manager in Agri Value Chain Finance

Recrutement Offres d'emplois  Cameroun
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Project Manager in Agri Value Chain Finance
Microfinance Institution, Advans Cameroun
HDF_RuraI Finance_l408


On The sTrengTh of more Than T5 years' experience in microfinance, Horus DevelopmenT
Finance creaTed Advans in 2005 wiTh The backing of several major inTernaTional DevelopmenT
Finance |nsTiTuTions. Advans' mission is To build a neTwork of microfinance insTiTuTions (MF|s) in
developing and emerging counTries in order To caTer To The financial needs of micro, small,
and medium—sized enTerprises, and low—income populaTions, which have limiTed or no access
To formal banking services.

The Advans group currenTly spans eighT counTries: Cambodia, Cameroon, CoTe d'|voire,
DemocraTic Republic of Congo, Ghana, Nigeria, PakisTan and Tanzania. Advans MF|s serve
more Than 470,000 clienTs for an ouTsTanding loan porTfolio of more Than EUR 240 million and a
deposiT base of EUR T09 million; The group employs more Than 4,300 sTaff.

Advans Cameroun was The firsT insTiTuTion seT up by Advans, in 2007, and iT currenTly serves
38,700 clienTs, Through T4 branches covering The main ciTies. IT already offers loan producTs
adapTed To The needs of small individual farmers and iT is looking To significanTly develop This
parTicular acTiviTy. In order To fulfil This goal, Horus is seeking a ProjecT Manager in Agri Value
Chain Finance. This 18-month mission is based in Duala, Cameroon, and includes frequent
Trips within the country. The position is to be filled by December 2014.

Under The direcT supervision of The insTiTuTion's CEO, and working in close collaboraTion wiTh iTs
Rural Finance UniT, The ProjecT Manager will be responsible for The enTire developmenT of The
Value Chain Finance acTiviTy, from The feasibiliTy sTudy To implemenTaTion of a piloT scheme
and The neTwork roll—ouT. In addiTion, The ProjecT Manager will acTively conTribuTe To The
improvemenT and sTrengThening of exisTing agriloans producTs based on an analysis of lessons
learned during The Two years of acTiviTy.

His/her responsibiliTies include:

  • Carrying ouT markeT sTudies on main agriculTural producTions in Cameroon To idenTify
    opporTuniTies for Value Chain Finance;
  • Defining The Value Chain Finance sTraTegy, business plan, and implemenTaTion plan for
    presenTaTion To The ManagemenT and Board;
  • SeTTing—up parTnerships wiTh key sTakeholders of each secTor for implemenTaTion of Value
    Chain Finance mechanisms;
  • Leading and coordinaTing The efforTs of all relevanT Advans Cameroun deparTmenTs (IT,
    markeTing, risks, HR, eTc.) To design adequaTe producTs, processes, conTrols, Training
    maTerial and courses, markeTing sTraTegy, reporTing sTandards, eTc. for The successful
    launch of a Value Chain Finance piloT;
  • AfTer compleTion of The piloT, preparing The roll ouT plan and supervising iTs
  • ConsTanTly moniToring resulTs and performances and making adjusTmenTs if required;

    c As parT of The implemenTaTion, acTively parTicipaTing in The Training of local sTaff and
    making sure ThaT The necessary skills are Transferred To The Cameroonian manager

    idenTified To Take over The developmenT of The Value Chain Finance acTiviTy aT The end of
    The ProjecT Manager's assignmenT.

    ThroughouT his assignmenT, The ProjecT Manager will be supporTed by Horus' consulTanTs who
    are based aT The head office in France.

Qualifications and/or experiences required

  • MasTers' degree in The field of rural economics, banking and finance or any relaTed field;
  • Five To eighT years experience in regulaTed financial insTiTuTions (banks or microfinance
  • ExperTise in agriculTural finance;
  • Good undersTanding of The characTerisTics and dynamics of The agriculTural secTor in
    developing counTries, and Africa in parTicular.

Desired skills

  • Very good organizaTion, planning and analyTical skills;
  • ExcellenT communicaTion skills and abiliTy To negoTiaTe wiTh inTernal and exTernal parTners;- ProjecT managemenT skills;
  • AbiliTy To work well in a Team and work under pressure wiTh TighT deadlines;
  • PragmaTism and capaciTy To learn new subjecTs quickly;
  • Fluency in French and good command of English.

You will find more informaTion on our websiTes and

To apply:

Please go To The Job OpporTuniTies page of our websiTe Only shorTlisTed
applicanTs will be conTacTed.