Decision to announce the Entrance Examination and fix the number of places available for admission into the lst Year of Master of Agro-Food Process Engineering, Master of Maintenance and Production Engineering and Master of Industrial Chemistry and Environmental Engineering of the Engineering Cycle of National School of Agro-Industrial Sciences (ENSAI) of the University of Ngaoundéré for 2015/2016 academic year.
Article 1
- The competitive Entrance Examination for admission of students into the 1st Year of Master of Agro-food Process Engineering, Master of Maintenance and Production Engineering and Master Industrial Chemistry and Environmental Engineering of the Engineering Cycle of National School of Agro-Industrial Sciences (ENSAI) of the University of Ngaoundéré for 2015/2016 academic year shall take place on the 6 and 7 September 2015.
- This entrance Examination is opened ta Cameroonians of bath sexes and also ta foreigners resident in Cameroon.
- Foreigners living outside of Cameroon and/or Cameroonians presented for admission by a known organisation may be admitted through the examination of an application file. The number of places for admission by this route shall not be more that 10% of the total number of places available.
- Candidates admitted through the examination of an application file shall pay the appropriate tuition fees as prescribed by law.
Article 2
The number of places available in the first year programmes of the Engineering Cycle of the National School of Agro-Industrial Sciences of the University of Ngaoundéré for the Academie year 2014/2015 are as follows:
Engineering Programme | Entrance Examination | Application file |
Agro-food Process Engineering Programme | 44 | 4 |
Industrial Maintenance and Production Engineering Programme | 44 | 4 |
Industrial Chemistry and Environmental Engineering Programme | 44 | 4 |
TOTAL | 132 | 12 |
Article 3
Candidates for the examination should be holders of one ofthe following qualifications:
- For candidates for the Agro-food process Engineering or for the, Industrial Chemistry and Environmental Engineering :
- The University Diploma of Technology (DUT) in Agro-food Processing;
- The Works Engineers Diploma from ENSIAAC with specialisation in Dietetics and Quality Control or in Production;
- First degree in either chemistry; Biochemistry, Microbiology, Biology, or Food Sciences
- Any other equivalent qualification that is related ta the programme. - For candidates for Industrial Maintenance and Production Engineering Programme
- The University Diploma of technology (DUT) in Industrial Maintenance and Production;
- The Works Engineers Diploma from ENSIAAC with specialisation in either Maintenance or Production;
- First degree in either Physics; Electrical or Mechanical Engineering; or Sciences and Technology;
- Any other equivalent qualification that is related ta the programme.
Article 4
The complete application file should comprise of the following documents:
- A completed application form;
- A certified photocopy of birth certificate dated not more than three months old;
- A certified true photocopy of certificates/diplomas;
- 4 recent passport-size photographs;
- A non-conviction certificate date not more than 3 months;
- A receipt of payment of the sum of twenty thousand into the bank account BICEC CAMEROON Ngaoundere n° 33696373001-95 BICEC;
- An A4 size self-addressed and 500 francs - stamped envelope.
Article 5
Application forms are available at the following places as from the 25 may 2015 should Filled-in and deposited at the same place before 07 September 2015.
- The Ministry of Higher Education/Department of Higher Education Planning;
- Any of the 10 Provincial Delegation of Secondary Education;
- The Secretariat of the National School of Agro-Industrial Sciences (ENSAI) Ngaoundéré;
- Any of the Rectorates or Vice Chancellor's Office of the State Universities.
- The forms for the competitive examination can also be downloaded from the web site of the Ministry of Higher Education: or from that of ENSAI Ngaoundere at:
Article 6
For candidates seeking admission through the study of application files, an engagement letter from his/her enterprlse precising the training fees (1000000 FCFA per year) and a handwritten application accompanied with a detailed curriculum vitae and ail other justified certificates should be sent directly to The Director, ENSAI, University of Ngaoundere, P.O. Box 455 Ngaoundere, Cameroon.
Article 7
- Candidates with properly completed files shall be examined in four subjects in any of the following examination centres: BAMENDA, BAFOUSSAM, BUEA, DOUALA, NGAOUNDERE, MAROUA and YAOUNDE.
- Candidates seeking admission into the Agro-food Process Engineering and Industrial Chemistry and Environmental Engineering program shall be examined on the following subjects:
SUBJECTS Duration Coefficient General Paper and Language (French & English) 3H 2+1 Aptitude Test 3H 3 Mathematics 3H 3 Special Paper : Chemistry and Biology or Physics 3H 3 - Candidates seeking admission into the Industrial Maintenance and Production Engineering programme shall be examined on the following subjects:
SUBJECTS Duration Coefficient General Paper and Language (French & English) 3H 2+1 Aptitude Test 3H 3 Mathematics 3H 3 Electricity and Mechanics 3H 3
Article 8
The syllabus for the entrance examination is attached to the present decision.
Article 9
Candidates are requested to come to the examination centres at least 30 minutes before the start of the first subject. They must come along with their National Identify Card or any other authentic identification document.
Article 10
The timetable for the entrance examination is as follows :
- For candidates seeking admission into the Agro-food process Engineering and Industrial Chemistry and Environmental Engineering programs :
Date Time Subject Duration Coefficient
06/09/20146H 45 Roll Call - - 8 :00 -11 :00 Mathematics 3H 2+1 14:00 - 17 :00 General paper and Language (French & English) 3H 3 8 :00 -11 :00 Chemistry and Biology or Physics 3H 3 14:00 - 17 :00 Aptitude Test 3H 3 - For candidates seeking admission into the Industrial Maintenance and Production Engineering program:
Date Time Subject Duration Coefficient
07/09/20146H 45 Roll Call - - 8 :00 -11 :00 Mathematics 3H 2+1 14:00 - 17 :00 General paper and Language (French & English) 3H 3 8 :00 -11 :00 Phvsics and Mechanics 3H 3 14:00 - 17 :00 Aptitude Test 3H 3
Article 11
The Rector of the University of Ngaoundéré, the Director of Development in the Ministry of Higher Education and the Director of ENSAIare responsible for the execution of this decision.