The France-Stanford Center for Interdisciplinary Studies aims to bridge the disciplines of the Humanities, social sciences, sciences, engineering, business and law, addressing historical and contemporary issues of significance for France and the United States from a broad range of perspectives. Its programs bring faculty members, researchers and students from across Stanford's departments and schools into contact with colleagues in France, to explore issues of common intellectual concern, to advance collaborative
research, and to foster interdisciplinary inquiry.
The France-Stanford Center sponsors high quality collaborative research projects likely to foster new linkages and deepen existing connections between French scholars and students and their counterparts at Stanford University.
Please note that applicants for the Center’s collaborative research funds (see ) are strongly encouraged to submit a separate application for a Visiting Scholar Fellowship in order to fund the participation of a postdoc in the proposed collaborative research project. Both applications should be submitted at the same time.
Fellowship funds are, however, in no way limited to applicants for collaborative research funds. Any interested postdoc is invited to apply.
Applicants for the Visiting Scholar Fellowship must have recently completed a PhD or equivalent – i.e., they must be postdoctoral fellows. Fellowships are available to French
postdoctoral scholars interested in pursuing a course of research at Stanford, or to Stanford post-docs interested in undertaking research or pursuing an internship at a French institution (including universities, non-governmental organizations, and corporations, to name but a few).
French visitors to Stanford should be aware that Stanford charges Visiting Scholars a number of administrative fees. The combined total of these fees is less than $250, such that any fellowship grant awarded by the Center is more than sufficient to cover them.
Date limite de dépôt de dossier : 31 janvier 2013
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