P. O. Box 3243 Telephone +251 115 517 700 Website:
Fax: +251 115 517 844 Addis Ababa, ETHIOPIA
VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT: Judicial and Legal Regulatory Affairs
The African Union, established as a unique Pan African continental body, is charged
with spearheading Africa’s rapid integration and sustainable development by
promoting unity, solidarity, cohesion and cooperation among the peoples of Africa
and African States as well as developing a new partnership worldwide. Its
Headquarters is located in Addis Ababa, capital city of Ethiopia.
In seeking to achieve this objective, the African Union intends to strengthen its
capacity to deliver by, among others, the implementation of a new organizational
structure and the filling of all vacant posts.
Job title: Judicial and Legal Regulatory Affairs
Grade: P2
Supervisor: Senior Legal Officer
Directorate: Office of the Legal Counsel
Duty Station: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
More information about the job here
Applications must be made through the AUC E-recruitment Website not later than 3rd December 2012.
Directorate of Administration and Human Resource Management
African Union Commission