Admission of candidates into the First Year of the College of Technology (COLTECH) of The University of Bamenda in Bambili, for the 2014/2015 academie year.
The Minster of Higher Education hereby announces as follows:
Subject to the presentation of the originals of the required diplomas, the candidates whose names appear below have been admitted into the First Year of the College of Technology (COL TECH) of The University ofBamenda in Bambili, for the 2014/2015 academie year. ln alphabetical order, they are:
- Résultats du concours, page 1
- Résultats du concours, page 2
- Résultats du concours, page 3
- Résultats du concours, page 4
- Résultats du concours, page 5
- Résultats du concours, page 6
- Résultats du concours, page 7
- Résultats du concours, page 8
- Résultats du concours, page 9
- Résultats du concours, page 10