The second edition of the International Salon on Agriculture in Dschang which kick started on the 10th of March 2015 and slated to end by the 14th of March 2015 at the Dschang Municipal stadium had an aura of glamour with different participants and colourful stands to animate the event. The Salon village witnessed the trooping in of many more participants who are promising a magnificent display of Agricultural products. Some of the Ministries, Institutions, organizations and groups present at the time include, MINADER, MINEPAT, the University Of Dschang, PIDMA (Project D' Investisement et de developpement des Marches Agricoles) which had in stock lots of exposition including a program to strengthen Solanum potatoes in the sub sector, NCCB (National cocoa and coffee board, which deals on the new plan for 2015-2020 for a discipline in cocoa and coffee in Cameroon, plateforme des producteurs professionels agro-sylvo pastoraux de l'Ouest, UNVDA,CNPS,YARA, The Dschang Urban Council, PADFA, FODECC, AFOP, CDENO among others.
The emphatic exhibition of different products and services offered at the various stand solicited a point of view for the ever expectant population. Many interested persons could be noticed seeking clarification or purchasing products at the stands. The services and products offered at these stand ranged from the presentation of agro pastoral products such as chickens, potatoes, fertilizers, high quality packaged products, coffee and services like animal healthcare, livestock infrastructure , professional training, better insurance policy provision among others.