The University of Buea’s Multidisciplinary Journal of Arts, Letters and Humanities, Epasa Moto is now online. Follow the link on the University home page to view our most recent publications.
About Epasa Moto
Epasa Moto (New Series), an official bi-annual journal of both the Faculty of Arts and the Advanced School of Translators and Interpreters of the University of Buea, is a peer-reviewed multidisciplinary scholarly journal of arts, letters and the humanities. It publishes original, well-researched papers, review essays, interviews, résumés, and commentaries, which offer new insights into the various disciplines in the arts, letters and the humanities. Focus is on issues about Africa and the African Diaspora but comparative works from Western and other cultures designed to enhance the vitality of humanistic studies in Africa are acceptable.
All views or conclusions are those of the authors of the articles and not necessarily those of the editorial staff, the publishers or the University of Buea System.